US Election Results: Donald Trump can’t be President without Kamala Harris’ approval — here’s why

US Election Results: US vice president Kamala Harris conceded the US elections on Wednesday — hours after she congratulated her rival, Donald Trump. Republican nominee Trump is all set to…

US Presidential Polls 2024: How has US stock market performed in last five elections? Here’s what 5-year data reveals

US Presidential Elections 2024: The high-stakes US Presidential Elections 2024 have entered their final days as billions of Americans cast votes to pick their preferred President to lead the world’s…

Kamala Harris turns 60: A look at the top 15 highlights of her key initiatives and achievements

Kamala Harris, US Vice President, celebrates her 60th birthday on October 20, 2024. And, she marks his milestone moment, she stands at a critical juncture in her career, poised to…